blue award 09

A Palaver
  • blue award 09
1 hrs. 30 sec.
Heidi Pretterhofer und Michael Rieper
59:59 min.
Peter Nigst
59:10 min.
Martin Feiersinger
56:58 min.
ÖGFA: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Architektur
1 hrs. 01:39 min.
Jan Šepka
58:47 min.
Simma Zimmermann Landschaftsarchitektinnen
1 hrs. 01:57 min.
Kit and Philipp vonDalwig
1 hrs. 03:51 min.
Brian Phillips - ISA - Interface Studio Architects
59:50 min.
Judith Eiblmayr
1 hrs. 01:01 min.
Fieldtrips #8 - Klimawandel - Anpassung der Bestandsstadt

Building an environment worth living in!

In the best cases Universities are think tanks where professors and their students try out the newest and most interesting tendencies as experiments. In order to collect great international projects on sustainability the head of the Department for Spatial and Sustainable Design at the Vienna University of Technology, Françoise-Hélène Jourda, initiated the “blue award 09″ a student competition for Building an environment worth living in.
163 project from 77 Academic Institutions where handed in. The jury faced a very difficult process to compare the different approaches and to find the price winners as well as the winners of the honorable mentions. All projects have been presented in an exhibition and the winners were invited to come to Vienna. This was our opportunity to meet some contestants and get a first hand description of their projects and their point of view on sustainability and the blue award.
Our guests are: Françoise-Hélène Jourda for the organization, Piyas Choudhuri from India with the project “Re-structuring the development along a non-perennial river”, Ismail Karaduman from Austria with his project “Conservation vs. Heritage” located in China and Henk Jan Imhoff, Jens Jorritsma, John de Groot from Holland with their strategy based project “The royal trees”


blue award 09  - Building an environment worth living in!
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