living and sharing
a pop|culture way of the YOGA, Meditation & REIKIenergy lifestyle,
… in support of a more mindful and healthier world
todays yogic topics
- From YOGAjournal Magazine, Donna Karan and her passion of bringing Yoga’s healing powers to hospitals.
- Vipassana Meditation and a little bit about the 10 day silent meditation I am just about to immerse myself into at the beginning of April.
- And of course, wisdoms, poetry and inspirational quotes sprinkled all around…
Thank you for tuning in as tuning out just doesn’t get you anywhere.
TUNES today by
@liquidstranger @sharongannon @sylvanesson @hooverphonics @ludovico_einaudi @hindi_zahra @nickodemusnyc @george_harrison @radiohead @mogwaiband @thieverycorporation @yirumapiyano @moby
Did I say it already?… I sooooooo enjoy your company.
VENUSfrequency, your yogic radioshow. TUNE in every 2nd and 4th friday @ 7am Vienna time.
FM 94.0 in proper Vienna or worldwide!!!
My latests and greatest YOGA playlist underlined by yogic topics that currently beautifully influence my world. A reading hour, live, real, organic, unzensored, uncut, what you hear is what you get…. Up close and personal, me exposing myself flawfully to you… right here, right now.
Find all Playlists on spotify via VENUSfrequency…
arranged in date order,
Do me a favor, and follow, so I know you are there
and well, choose to connected through facebook and instagram too, it makes me happy to know you….