Ayça Çubukçu: „Thinking against Humanity“

Innsbrucker Gender Lectures
  • 48.IGL_Cubukcu_24.01.17_v1
1 Std. 15:05 Min.
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81. Innsbrucker Gender Lecture mit Karin Neuwirth: De- und Re-Institutionalisierung von Elternschaft im Recht im 20. /21. Jahrhundert in Österreich
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80. Innsbrucker Gender Lecture mit Susanne Schulz
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79. Innsbrucker Gender Lecture mit Bet­tina Bock von Wül­fin­gen
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78. Inns­bru­cker Gen­der Lec­ture mit Katha­rina Klapp­heck
59:25 Min.
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In this lecture, Ayça Çubukçu will reflect on the modern concept of humanity. Engaging with Hannah Arendt, Malcolm X, and Frantz Fanon in particular, she will explore humanity’s capacity to designate a collective subject to be defended and redeemed through various ethico-political projects on the one hand, and an apparently self-evident, all-embracing species on the other.

Ayça Çubukçu is Assistant Professor in Human Rights at the London School of Economics and Political Science, where she leads a research group on Internationalism, Cosmopolitanism and the Politics of Solidarity. She holds a PhD from the Department of Anthropology at Columbia University and a BA in Government from Cornell University.

Comment: Adham Hamed, University of Innsbruck

Moderation: Andrea Urthaler, University of Innsbruck



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