
In this new series, Irina Lucia is reading excerpts from her book, “Otherwards”, a second-person fantasy, accompanied by carefully selected music (and lots of it!), that should facilitate the reader-listener’s ride in this strange fictional universe:

You are brought into a weird, yet familiar, parallel world. Be it guided by strange creatures or by your own volition, you keep on coming back to the lands of Otherwards, as you proceed through your own life and change your perceptions and perspectives

You are the main character in Otherwards”.

Each one-hour show will consist of one chapter and will deal with various subjects and themes that are relevant in the book itself, be it anger, forbidden things, memories or intimacy. For one hour each week the listeners of Campus Radio will have the possibility to get a glimpse into the weird world of Otherwards, and to be carried on the waves of atmospheric music and whimsical language.

Every Friday from 12:00 ‘til 13:00