bericht: BEYOND 2008 VIENNA ngo forum zur drogenpolitik. beatriz negrety condori, don paco,

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  • bericht: BEYOND 2008 VIENNA ngo forum zur drogenpolitik. beatriz negrety condori, don paco,
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Inside the frame of the decision by UNDOC, from the year 1998-„the war on drugs“-and during the evaluationin the beginning of the year 2008; it turned out, that we are even more than ever far away from the declared finish line.
So NGO`s organized themselves more and more, to bring in a human touch into the socalled drug politics.
have a look at:

Doku: Drogen-Friedenskonferenz im alten AKH in Wien – Joep Oomen

While international politicians had decided to overthink again their unfunctional ideas until next year; NGO`s experianced with the-more than anything-unhuman effects for effected people by „the war on drugs“.
Beatriz Negrety Condori had some interviws with some participiciants taken, the speaker`s talks are originally either spanish or english.
Thanks to don paco you can enjoy the speakers talking in german, english and spanish
Of course right here.
beatriz negrety condori, don paco e.

look here:

bericht: BEYOND 2008 VIENNA ngo forum zur drogenpolitik. ein sprecher von UNGASS

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