Open Mic: Bringing Communities into Radio [EurEvalRadio Part 2]

  • Community Radio EurRevalRadio Vienna
57:48 Min.
Schreibwerkstatt Gratwein-Straßengel: "Geschwister Liebe - Auf die Probe gestellt / Augenblicke mit den Eltern..."
49:24 Min.
Schreibwerkstatt Gratwein-Straßengel: "Geschwister Liebe - Die Herkunft"
59:57 Min.
Šum journal and "Models of Extinction"
59:13 Min.
Jahresrückblick Stadtteilzentrum Triester 2021
57:44 Min.
Freiwillige Arbeit [c/o Grazer Soundscapes, STZ Triester]
56:29 Min.
"Heimspiel" - Spielräume erobern und Innenhöfe beleben [c/o SOS Kinderdorf]
36:07 Min.
Freedom of Speech, Repression by Regulations. [c/o Civil Radio, Budapest]
1 Std. 05 Sek.
Die Hände meines Vaters und Gespräche über die Schreiberfahrungen.[c/o Schreibwerkstatt Strassengel]
1 Std. 41 Sek.
Brief an den Vater und Gespräch über die Schreiberfahrungen [c/o Schreibwerkstatt Strassengel]
33:19 Min.
Die Haende meiner Mutter [c/o Schreibwerkstatt Strassengel]

Fascination Radio – What Community Radio means to us. We interviewed each other.

The Story of Shamim stands for so many women, who are brilliant moms, run a household, but stay away from social life and get isolated. Radio encourages to overcome fears, to participate, to speak as woman.

More Stories of community broadcasters to be heard: Irena from Athlone Community Radio (Irland), Mary and Shamin from Bradford Community Broadcast (England), Riccardo from Novaradio – Florence (Italy), Martina and Robert from Radio Student – Ljubljana (Slovenia), Carmen and Miriam from Radio Enlace – Madrid (Spain), Maiada from Radio Orange – Vienna (Austria).

The broadcast was recorded by the Participants and edited by Walther Moser. Recorded during a week long Meeting in Vienna funded by „Erasmus +“ Project (EurEvalRadio) organized by COMMIT from 18th till 22nd of January 2016.

Music from: Warpaint – „Drive“, Hindi Zhara-  „Set me free“, Modest Mouse – „The Ground Walks, with Time in a Box“

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